Electronic Medical Record

The new software program Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems provides the patient’s health record via electronics. This version helps to maintain records without having to do much work. You are able to keep up with the patient’s problems, vital signs, medications, previous health history, laboratory reports, and radiology reports. This is very important for the physicians who are servicing patients. It is very important to patients that all of their vital statics be kept in one place that is easily accessible for their doctor and in case of an emergency visit.

EMR Software

Today many people who need medication can contact their doctor and request a prescription. The doctor no longer needs to write it out by hand instead an electronic prescription can be sent to the pharmacy. The use of the EMR software program makes it easy for both doctor and patient to keep track of records and to make sure that the patient can get their prescriptions sent to the pharmacy immediately.

Today medical software programs are very essential in the doctors’ offices. The use of specific software programs that are used by the physicians makes it possible to transfer records and vital information about the patient to specialists or to hospitals whenever they are needed. These records are usually legal documents but are protected by the software programs.

The EMIR software is geared specifically for medical records of the patient. This is an electronic version of a patient’s health records that includes all the vital information necessary for the doctor.