Genetics: Underappreciated and Misunderstood

While genetic testing has been getting a lot of flak from various corners of society due to ethical concerns which are mostly related to embryonic research, what most people do not realize is that a lot of our modern creature comforts are only possible due to genetic testing and modification. For instance, the milk we drink, more likely than not, comes from genetically modified bovines. Without genetic modification, milk production would fall way behind consumer demand which would make milk astonishingly expensive. The next time you are pouring milk over your cereals; do not forget to thank genetics. Another popular genetically modified food item is potatoes. Potato is a staple in just about every culture; especially in the west. If we stuck with natural non-genetically modified potatoes, farmers would have no chance of meeting demand for this popular root crop. Without genetics, you can say goodbye to your French fries from your favorite fast food.

Aside from improving supply to meet global demands, genetics also brought in improving qualities to everyday items. For example, fully natural bananas are usually pocked with ugly black spots; with genetic modification we end up with bananas that are smooth and yellow and are sweeter as well.

How does genetic testing really work? Well, the gist of it is scientist study and reorganizes the sequence of RNA and DNA polymers using different tools like a molecular beacon probe in order to bring out the better characteristics of organisms and hide undesirable ones.

Article submitted by The Midland Certified Reagent Company. The Midland Certified Reagent Company is a top notch international supplier of Ribo polymers and other genetic testing supplies.