Pro Tips that will Help You Achieve the Most Efficient Exercise Routine

People often approach fitness with the mindset to maximize every effort, whether it’s strength training or cardio. Yet, that mentality isn’t always best. You should strive to optimize your efforts, not maximize them. Los Angeles based personal trainer, Nick Di Ruscio is one of the fitness experts who popularized this movement. The old adage – work smarter, not harder definitely applies to your exercise routine.

Here are some pro tips that will help you optimize your exercise routine.

1. Go into the gym with a plan. Don’t just hop on the first exercise machine you see. Separate your fitness routine into sections and alternate days. Have a day for pure cardiovascular exercises. For strength building, work upper body on separate days than your lower body. Work muscle groups, not just individual muscles like pectorals or calves in one routine.

2. Take your ego out of the equation. Don’t go into a workout routine trying to impress the people around you. It’s personal fitness, that means it’s for you and not anyone else. There’s an appropriate time to max out on the bench press and it’s not when that hot girl walks into the gym.

3. What you put inside your body is just as important as your exercise routine. Before you exercise, eat foods low in fat such as a lean chicken sandwich and plenty of fluids. After you workout, replenish your muscles with foods such as bananas, hard-boiled eggs and baked fish. Be sure to eat roughly 10 to 20 grams of protein-rich foods.