What Feng Shui Gardens Are and How They Benefit You

Article provided by Wicker Paradise.

Feng Shui house decorating is starting to become more and more popular, but fewer know that these same principles also apply to garden designs. The core beliefs of Feng Shui revolves around chi, or energy. There is good chi that help you and bad chi that hinder you and hurt you.

Feng Shui is an art of encouraging the good chi to come to you. You direct the chi where you most want it to go by giving special care to the certain areas – called life sectors or bagua – in your home or garden that correspond with the area of your life that you want affected.

A great example is the area of family. The wood element is a sign of growth, and since you want your relationships in your family to grow you can place something wooden like wicker furniture in this life sector in your garden to encourage the chi that will strengthen your relationships.

There are other life sectors for things like health, career, and even wealth. This is why Feng Shui enthusiasts are often quite painstaking to achieve the proper balance, and why many people who suffer from chronic bad health give extra attention to their health life sector.

Not only can a properly balanced home, help your health and all these other areas, but a Feng Shui garden can strengthen the good chi of the home in the areas you need the most help with resulting in an overall fuller and happier life.

About the Author:

This article was written by Wicker Paradise. Wicker Paradise sells wicker furniture sets online. They also specialize in wicker replacement cushions, wicker sofas, wicker chairs and more. Visit their site for some great deals.